
Friday, June 15, 2007


July 3rd

We will leave Oklahoma City July 3rd. We hired a moving company to move us. We will have to kill some time, so we will be visiting our respective parents in Tulsa and Arkansas after they take away 99% of our belongings.

I would love to see everyone who cares before we leave, hit us up.

I cannot wait to get out of this Oklahoma heat. We are pretty excited about our road trip across the country. Melissa's brother Chad will be joining us to assist in Dog wrangling and mediating the inevitable conflicts that can arise from driving for 4 days.

Melissa has done a great job picking a route, and we agreed that 8 hours a day in the car should be the limit.

I am glad this process has been a little slow to start, as I think most of my anxiety and freaked out stuff has passed. I look forward to a whole new life in a whole new place, with the woman I love.


Blogger mcb said...

dude, that rocks!...i'm so happy for the both of you that everything has turned out pretty much as good as possible...i especially liked your comment about living in oklahoma for so long: you're right, we're free to go where we want and do what we want if we just get organized, grow a pair and do wishes for you both (and both puppies!) if i don't see you before the move (i may still be in syracuse with the little lady)...cheers (i'm in dublin, btw).

6/17/2007 3:27 AM  

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