OK so our apartment is pretty small.
How small?
We knew we would be downsizing our living space, but this was a little more than we expected. BUT, it will work. The location is worth the price and small space. We are still excited.
The dogs are an issue right now. They have been through a lot of confusing things in the past week. Driving 12 hours a day for three days. Staying in strange hotels. Sleeping in strange beds.
They can't be left alone right now. We tried yesterday and the howling that proceeded made the whole neighborhood turn and stare. Daisy is the problem child. She really has emotional issues and we knew that. On the last day of driving she freaked out. She started yelling at the top of her lungs. For no reason at all. We stopped at a rest area and she was fine, wagging her tail, running around. I think she had just had about enough of all this chnage.
We are hoping that the arrival of a familiar bed, couch and chairs will help the dogs realize that they are safe and at a new home. But only time will tell. I am pretty stressed about this. But again we do have a lot of time before both of us would start working(Sept.) If you have any advice for dogs with separation anxiety, please do share.
Other than that, Melissa is at another interview now. I am at a coffee shop just a block away from the apartment. Ordering internet today. The free city-wide MetroFi, is a joke. I had read bad reviews of it, but had high hopes. I occasionally can see the signal, but never have once been able to get on it. And with cable internet costing about $50 a month, EVERYONE has theirs locked down.
So this is city living. WAY DIFFERENT than anything I have experienced. My initial response internally was, "what the hell am I doing?" I gave up an extremely confortable lifestyle for all this? But then I think harder about it. Change is scary. We needed this change. With comfort came lazyness and a boredom with life. Sure it would have been easy to coast out the rest of my years in Oklahoma. But looking back on those years we would have regretted the oppurtunities we passed up. I was not ready to "retire" at the age of 29. And that would have been what would happen. We would have continued to work, sleep, watch tv. That was no longer satisfying for us. Thus the change. I am taking all this as another exciting challenge. One that will reward us each day. If nothing else the weather and pine scent in the air will be enough. Plus, did I mention the beer here? Yummm.
Sorry for the ramble, but lots on my mind, I have nowhere gotten close to expressing it correctly, but I tried.
Oh, did I mention there are no mosquitos here? none.