
Saturday, January 28, 2006

So You Want to Use an Elevator...

It is 2006 but is seems there are a lot of people(at least in the buildings I am in at work) who do not know how to properly use an elevator. Here are a few helpful hints:

1. When waiting to board an elevator DO NOT rush the door as it opens. It is possible that some people are needing to get off. Unfortunately elevators are a shared resource. It would not be cost effective to provide each person with their own elevator.

2. Just because an elevator's door opens while you are on it does not necessarily mean it is your desired floor. BE ATTENTIVE! The elevator engineers have included a few visual cues to let you know what floor you have arrived at. One being the numbers that light up over the door indicating your progress up or down and what floor you are presently on. This light has never lied to me, I recommend trusting it. Also you will see numbers on the door frame when it opens, or you could just look straight ahead at that HUGE number painted on the wall. Contrary to popular belief the other riders on that elevator may not enjoy helping you find your ass as you get off holding the door, asking, "Is this our floor?"

3. Holding the elevator door for someone approaching the door is a courtesy. This may need some voting, but I think if the door starts closing and you are not within 10 feet of the door, you should wait for the next elevator. I don't think it is worth people running and diving like Indiana Jones just so they don't have to wait another 20 seconds. I don't trust some of those doors either.

I hope this helps out.

ON a final note, if I ask you, "How's it going?" and you reply, "It's going..." I think I might slit your throat. I have lost patience with this. First of all, it's not funny or witty. Secondly the question implies my knowledge that It is in fact going, I am just trying to find out how, or how well. I will start carrying a knife.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

New J-O-B

I gotta new job. That's right a new job. It is still with the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. I am moving from the Dept. of Pediatrics to the College of Nursing. I will be a part of the Distance Learning program. Meaning, videoconferencing stuff. I am pretty excited about the change and the increase in dough.

Thanks for letting me brag.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Drill It

My dentist decided that my teeth were too awesome and so they decided to drill some of the awesomeness out. It was soo fun. We had a blast.

I got to have nitrous gas for the first time. Not as crazy as I thought it would be, made me tired. But it did succeed to make the awesomeness removal a little more fun.

*edit* - We decided to do it all again in March!!! Man my teeth are awesome!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Before I Knew About kissing and stuff

I used watch this stuff as a kid. So good to this day!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ryan Lindsey

I had the honor of recording some lap steel the other night for Ryan Lindsey's upcoming record. It was really nice to go and play a little. I was starting to think I should sell all my gear and wash my hands of music. It killed me seeing that stuff sitting there not being used.

So Ryan called and said they were up in OKC at some guy's house mixing the record. In addition they were tracking a few extra things as needed. I got directions and headed up there. As it turns out it is the greatest/most expensive studio space I think I have ever been to.

I was a little awestruck initially; This is somebody's upstairs to their house! Anyway, let me tell you how Ryan's album is turning out. INCREDIBLE!!! I am not exaggerating. The stuff I heard blew me and my expectations away. I can't wait for it to be available so I can have it to listen to. It's been awhile since I have been excited about any new music. Ryan has done it.
Link to his Myspace: Ryan Lindsey on Myspace

Wanna see pictures?

RL-1-21-06 041

RL-1-21-06 038

RL-1-21-06 016
Ya, that's Ryan jamming some drums.

RL-1-21-06 052

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Did I Ever Mention?

Did I ever tell you how so Crumbelievable you are? Have you seen that commercial? I thought it was SNL for a minute, terrible.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Smell the Glove

Yummmmmmmmmmmm it smells like a campfire all over OKC!!!!

Oh Wait, that's acres of farmland and houses on fire. Nevermind, boooooooo!

Sunday, January 1, 2006


2006 for real this time. Last night the wife and I went over to our friends house. Derek and Cyndi. They live just down the street. Derek had a good idea of just hanging in one of the houses to avoid the roads and the big letdown of trying to "have an awesome blowout time".
Cyndi made us an amazing meal that makes Melissa and I embarrased to have ever tried to "cook" anything before.
And then we busted it out:

What started with Derek laughing about what his mom had given him for Christmas, turned into a full on trivia fest.

Ya, I am almost 30. What are you gonna do about it? We can't stay at home on New Year's eve and play interactive trivia with another couple? OK I am gonna go back to watching the "I love the '90's" marathon.